TMJ Appliances
TMJ can be a painful annoyance for your patients. Providing them with a quality bite splint or TMJ appliance can alleviate discomfort, prevent migraines, and eliminate the wearing of tooth structures.
Because each patient has different needs, we offer a variety of orthotic, TMJ, and bruxism appliances that incorporate various materials and designs.
Hard Night Guard
Severe bruxism requires thick rigid acrylic guards. These heavier guards are the best options for protecting tooth enamel over time.
Soft Night Guard
Light bruxism and clenching calls for a soft guards. The soft acrylic provide cushioning to prevent jaw pain from clenching while protecting the tooth enamel.
Moderate bruxism calls for a Durasoft. The soft inside layer provides cushioning for clenching while the hard outer shell is rigid plastic that protects your tooth enamel.
The NTI is a tension suppression system that protects teeth, muscles and joints by preventing the clenching action. While full-coverage bite guards provide an ideal clenching surface, the NTI discludes all posteriors and reduce clenching intensity.